Insurance Agents May Be Your Biggest Untapped Referral Source


Insurance Agents May Be Your Biggest Untapped Referral Source

Insurance Agents May Be Your Biggest Untapped Referral Source

Ten years ago, insurance agents were the most likely people to offer referral services to many companies in niche construction sectors. That is no longer the case. Today many national insurance companies have national restoration companies to refer clients to. That doesn’t have to be the case. At Geyser Equipment, we are here to tell you that this is a trend that could change.

You may be the only niche construction company tapping local insurance agencies

So many companies assume that local insurance agencies aren’t recommending local businesses that it’s common that insurance agents are no longer marketed to. Think about it: When’s the last time you had your sales team cold call an insurance agency? If you’re like most companies working in a niche industry like graffiti removal, then it’s likely been awhile.

Offer incentives to agents who aren’t seeing any

Of course, the best way to get referrals is to offer a referral fee. This used to be the standard and it went directly to the actual agent who referred you. After all, they’re the one doing the work, right? In reality, this often isn’t the way it works – though it should.

What happens instead is that a national insurance company has a contract with a national construction, clean up, and restoration company. Instead of getting a referral for each job they send over, they get a lump sum to be their official referral company. The insurance agent simply refers people on because it’s the only option they know.

If you reach out to local agents, some of them might not be beholden to those contracts made at the corporate level. Independently owned agencies may be affiliated with national chains but may be able to make their own decisions about where to send their referrals to. Offer individual agents referral percentages or flat fees (we recommend a percentage) and they’re likely to start sending business your way.

It’s not hard to convince insurance agents that you’re the best choice

If you can get an audience with a local insurance agent, then it shouldn’t be difficult to convince them to send their referral business to you instead of a faceless multi-national company that doesn’t offer them a cent. Convince them that your company offers a personal touch, that you’re more accountable as an independent office, and that they’ll get a direct referral fee. This is a simple sell if you can do it right.

You need the right equipment to take on these referrals

Of course, you can’t do much with these referrals if you don’t start with the right equipment. At Geyser Equipment we can help with quality water cleaning solutions. Whether you know just what you need and are looking for the best price, or you need expert advice on what equipment is right for you, we are here to help. Stop by our showroom or feel free to give us a call at 951-509-9269 for help.